Real or fake comments?
Bots can stuff your forms with garbage without you realizing it. Spamming can funnel questionable or unwanted content into your public or private content, databases or messages.
Form spam, comment spam, fake registrations, malicious ratings and product listings pollute your website and your backend. Traditional solutions such as Google’s reCaptcha stop this sort of spam but they’re a problem for human users because they cause friction and lower conversion rates. Besides that, there is a number of services that offer to crack reCaptcha and other captchas in real time.
In case your blog is well-known there’s guaranteed to be someone who sells backlinks from your blog to other websites fro a few Dollars. Spammers spam to trick search engines and to make your readers klick on dubious links. Some of their customers are harmless but usually they sell links to fake pills, porn content, fraud or malware. Sometimes these bot operators disguise their target with so-called buffer sites: unconspicuous-looking websites that hide illegal goals.
This problem is extremely pronounced. Large websites with forms are particularly susceptible to this kind of attack. More and more websites thus turn off their comment functionality.
How can you detect that you’re affected?
Ratings and comments contain Spam, often containing links to external websites.
The bounce rate of mails to your users rises. Spammers often use fake or temporary email addresses when they spam.
Ad networks or partners complain about false leads or spam leads from your website.